Fearneve ~ Art inspired by the power of nature, myth and legend.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Dusting away the cobwebs...

It's a little over a year ago since I last posted, it's certainly been quite a while since I was here!  The rest of last winter was a very sad one for me and as the seasons came and went, 2011 saw a sad phase of my time here with many ups and downs, hopefully that time is behind me now and I can look forward to happier times.

Sorro is now finished and I have other work in progress. I haven't done as much as I'd have preferred in my artwork or writings as any artsy time was spent this year doing pet portrait commissions for people and groups.

Getting back into crafts I have decided to use Folksy as a place to buy my original handmade creations as well as from my website. Here's a link:

I do hope you'll visit :) xx

Thursday, 18 November 2010

New art - Sorro

I've started to work on a new painting and have just gone over the outline with sepia ink. Unsure whether I'm going to call it Fae of Sorrow or simply 'Sorro'. For now we'll call her Sorro and see if any other title emerges as I paint her.I may use acrylics in this one as well as watercolours... my next step is to add some shading before I begin to add any colour.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

More at Fearneve

I've opened a Misi Shop and also a Folksy Shop this week. I really like the look of both of those places and will try to get a feeling for them over the coming weeks and fill them full of goodies too, so please check back often.

Another TiK ToK original painting is now available in my Etsy Shop and another will hopefully be offered in the next day or so. He's a wonderful character, read about him over at Etsy.

As Fearneve is for the fantasy/pagan/gothic type artwork that I create, I've decided that a few of the previous pieces created will also be included under Fearneve although the signature or copyright will still be G Lewis.
Hopefully it won't be too confusing as there won't be many added but I just feel that a few of those works belong here and away from my other work. So a few of them will be popping up soon in merchandise offered in my shops.

Several new pieces have been created in my Zazzle store too -

Design personalized gifts at Zazzle.

Hope you enjoy viewing them!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The Fairy House painting is finished.

Spent a busy week last week, which meant there were days that I couldn't paint at all. But all comes to those who wait - my fairy house painting is finished now!

Since my last blog, I've added more washes to the cap and more shadows under the cap. The windows and the overhang of the door were painted and then parts lifted out. When I had finished painting, I went over the details again with my sepia pen.

Here is a close up of the door ~ I love fairy doors :)

Now all I need is to find a name to call this piece...

Hope you like it!

Monday, 18 October 2010

Started washes on the cap...

Today I painted the steps and the door. You can't see all the detail on the door from this view but when I've completed this painting I'll show a few close ups. Then I added more shading beneath the cap before starting to add washes of reds and oranges to the cap and the window sills. As the light began dropping I had to stop... for now, but will be laying more washes on the cap tomorrow.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Wip update...

Finished the leaves giving them that lovely rusty shade that we see in autumn leaves and painted in the main body of the 'house'. A tinge of colour added to water covers the cap to give it its first wash.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

More on the fairy house...

I added some colour to the background.

Then I proceeded to paint in the grass stalks and the debris and the rocks at the foreground. Then finally I added a warm wash to the leaves.